Terms & condITIONS:

Please read our terms & conditions, privacy policy, covid-19 safe waiver, our parental liability release details and photo consent form. By attending any of our session, pop up events or private birthday parties this is your consent to these terms.

  • Personal information is essential to booking with Nature Sensory Play.

    In accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 Nature sensory play has included a statement that explains how we handle your personal information.

    Nature Sensory Play is operated by Tash, you may contact via email; naturesensoryplay@hotmail.com for any concerns you have regarding our privacy policy.

    To book Nature Sensory Play we require your email, phone number, next of kin name & phone number, children’s name, children’s age & any medical data that may be of importance.

    All information is collected via email, phone & our social media platforms as well as our website.

    Nature Sensory Play will use your personal information for business purposes only.

    If for any reason you would like a copy of any of your personal information collected you can request a copy. By law we need to hold your information for a period of 6 years.

    Data breaches can and do occur. Our policy to communicate a breach is available on request.

    If you feel your personal information collected by us has been mishandled please email; naturesensoryplay@hotmail.com Tash will require your phone number to discuss further.

    Your personal information will not be disclosed outside Australia.

    If you need to change or update your personal information is it your responsibility to contact us via email as soon as possible.

    Nature sensory play will update the privacy policy if our handling of information changes via our email.

    Last updated; May 2023

  • Photo Consent and Release - i release all consent for gaia play to use photos and videos of my child on any of their platforms and sharing across platforms as well.

    Assumption of Risk and Release
    You agree on your own behalf and on behalf of your child that your child is voluntarily participating in a Nature Sensory Play with full knowledge of the risks of doing so, such as the risks of bodily injury, property damage, or death resulting from the use of materials.

    You further agree to release Nature Sensory Play; the Program sponsors, and suppliers and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and exhibitors (collectively, “we” or “us”) from any and all liability, claims, damage, or demands arising from or related to your child’s participation in Nature Sensory
    Play except to the extent of any legal caused directly by our wrongful or negligent conduct not contributed to by your own or your child’s conduct.
    I represent and warrant to Nature Sensory Play that I have carefully read this waiver and release form and understand and agree to its contents and that Nature Sensory Play is relying on this waiver to allow my child to participate in a nature sensory play course. I understand that by clicking my acceptance, I expressly waive, in perpetuity, any rights I have to bring a claim against or sue Nature Sensory Play or its agents for personal injuries, death, or property damages unless personal injury or death is due to Nature Sensory Play education’s negligence or willful misconduct.

    I further understand that this is a contract that limits my legal rights and that it is binding upon me, my heirs, and legal representatives, and I have signed this agreement with a full understanding of its content and voluntarily.

    I accept that as a parent/guardian that I take full responsibility of my child/children while at Nature Sensory Play. We are not a day-care; you are to watch your child/children at all times to ensure their safety. You as a parent understand that Nature Sensory Play is messy and the materials used are listed below may stain or get damaged, so I realize the responsibility to any clothing/shoes getting stained/damaged/wet/dirty during Nature Sensory Play.

    As a parent understand that you are to watch your child/children immerse in Sensory Play as the materials may enter your child’s mouth and may cause a potential choking hazard, allergic reaction or harm.

    Release and Waiver - I hereby agree as follows:
    • I release, waive Nature Sensory Play from any and all liability for any personal injury, loss, property damages or expense arising out of or sustained in the course of my child’s participation in Nature Sensory Play. Negligence on the part of the Releases to safeguard or protect my child from the risks, dangers, and hazards referred to above, and including any duty of care owed under the Occupiers Liability Act.
    • I agree that Nature Sensory Play is not responsible in the event of loss, damage, unauthorized use, theft or injury resulting from and to any personal property that my child or I bring onto the premises.
    • I recognize that this Agreement and Release and Waiver is a legal contract and that it is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by Australian law.
    • I have read this document carefully and I fully understand its contents and meaning. I recognize that by signing this document I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue and I sign it of my own free will. Materials used; chai seeds, water, playdough with Spicers/herbs & or nature powders, gelatin, edible flowers, citrus fruits, ice cubes, chickpea water, natural food dye, natural nature materials, chamomile, yoghurt (Greek), herbs, Spicers, dried flowers, edible flowers.
    As the course of Nature Play expands more materials will be added and may not make this list.

    As a parent/guardian you are responsible to inform Nature Sensory Play if you will not be participating in such activity because of the nature of the material. You as a parent/ Guardian may chose not to participate in the activity but know there are many different activities on the day that may be of interest to you and your child/children.

  • COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgment Liability Waiver and Release of Claims


    While participating in events held by Nature Sensory Play with CDC guidelines, participants are encouraged to practice hand hygiene, “social distancing” to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19. Because COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, Nature Sensory Play has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, Nature Sensory Play cannot guarantee that its participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance will not become infected with COVID-19.

    In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, individuals who fall within any of the categories below should not engage in Nature Sensory Play activities. By attending Nature Sensory Play you certify that you do not fall into any of the following categories:

    1. Individuals who currently or within the past fourteen (14) days have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath among others;

    2. Individuals who have travelled at any point in the past fourteen (14) days either internationally or to a community that has experienced or is experiencing sustained community spread of COVID-19; or

    3. Individuals who believe that they may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for their treatment.

    All materials from Nature Sensory Play (not including the sensory eatable items) are cleaned with hospital grade wipes to ensure proper infection control. The hospital grade wipes contain detergent. For full ingredients list of this item please email; naturesensoryplay@hotmail.com


    Participants and volunteers agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever, cough, and shortness of breath) and, contact naturesensoryplay@hotmail.com if you or your child/children experiences symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days after participating in Nature Sensory Play.


    I acknowledge that I derive personal satisfaction and a benefit by virtue of my participation in nature sensory play.



    ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK. I acknowledge and understand the following:

    1. Participation includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist;

    2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks related to illness and infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, even if arising from the negligence or fault of the Released Parties; and

    3. I hereby knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm and loss associated with the Activity, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties.

    MEDICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RELEASE. I acknowledge the health risks associated with the Activity, including but not limited to transient dizziness, lightheaded, fainting, nausea, muscle cramping, musculoskeletal injury, joint pains, sprains and strains, heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. I agree that if I experience any of these or any other symptoms during the Activity, I will discontinue my participation immediately and seek appropriate medical attention. I DO HEREBY RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE THE RELEASED PARTIES FROM ANY CLAIM WHATSOEVER WHICH ARISES OR MAY HEREAFTER ARISE ON ACCOUNT OF ANY FIRST AID, TREATMENT, OR SERVICE RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY.

    As a participant you & your child/children recognize that your participation, involvement and/or attendance at any Nature Sensory Play event are voluntary and may result in personal injury. By attending, observing or participating in the Activity, You acknowledge and assume all risks and dangers associated with your participation and/or attendance at Nature Sensory Play and you agree that; the property or site owner of the Activity, and (c) all past, present and future affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, volunteers, vendors, partners, directors, and officers, of such entities (subsections (a) through (c), collectively, the "Released Parties"), will not be responsible for any personal injury, or other loss suffered as a result of your participation in, attendance at, and/or observation of the Activity, regardless if any such injuries or losses are caused by the negligence. BY ATTENDING AND/OR PARTICIPATING IN THE ACTIVITY, YOU ARE DEEMED TO HAVE GIVEN A FULL RELEASE OF LIABILITY TO THE RELEASED PARTIES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

  • If you purchase services offered by Nature sensory play, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read these terms and conditions carefully and immediately cease using our site or proceeding with purchases and / or bookings if you do not agree.


    Our playgroup is designed to incorporate child lead play by age-appropriate sensory stimulation. Our playgroup has been designed by a qualified play therapist.

    The program is designed for children ages 6+ months - 7 years old. Similarly, classes may be segmented into recommended groups. These sessions are capped at 25 Adults (indoors) under recommendation by the Australian Government covid safe plan.

    If you are unable to attend or are running late and we do not hear from you we may contact your next of kin & follow up for your safety. If for any reason you cannot attend the session no refund or make up session will be provided.

    Late arrival to the nature sensory play sessions is still classed as attendance.

    Other Information

    Our services deliver a range of play based learning experiences. These experiences comprise of, but are not limited to, the following:

    • food based products

    • small pieces and loose parts,

    • Breakables, such as metal, ceramics, pottery, etc.

    • Paints

    • Playdough

    • Natural and artificial elements

    Potions, water play, citrus play, herbs and spicers.

    Materials provided by our business is not edible.

    Conditions of Entry

    We are in no way responsible for your personal belongings or items. We are not able to provide secure places to store such; therefore it is recommended that anything considered valuable remain at home.

    Personal Safety

    When entering our premises, you understand and accept that your children are your responsibility at all times (please see our responsibility waiver). Therefore, you are personally responsible for any injury or illness resulting from our products and / or services, not us.

    We do not consider ourselves to be an allergy free environment and have no control over food products brought into our premises. If you or your child has allergies, please carefully consider or contact us before booking. We do ask if you are offering food to do so before or after the sessions as we are limited on the centre hire.

    Price and Payment

    Enrolling your child / children into the program, or hire event means you are providing express consent to receive an invoice and are legally liable for all fees and charges associated with the service i.e. you are entering into a legal contract with us, under Common Law. We do not offer refunds in sessions, events or terms.

    Change of Mind

    In accordance with Australian Consumer Law (ACL), we are not required to give a refund or replacement if you change your mind about the service. Therefore, you are still liable for remitting all outstanding fees.

    In extenuating circumstances, we reserve all rights and decision making whether to issue refunds or other forms of compensation.

    In such circumstances, a refund will only be permitted where the owners of Nature Sensory Play have made this decision.

    Unpaid / Outstanding Payment

    Failure to attend class for a period of 2 weeks (14 days) without any excuse will result in your place being cancelled and your position passed to the next person. All funds that have been paid for the Nature Play sessions will be kept as an agreement signing up.

    Failure to make payment

    Failure to make payment to an invoice within the specified time is a breach under contract law. We will take the following measure to receive outstanding debts:

    • Resend reminder of outstanding amounts

    • Formal request to make payment, of outstanding amounts

    • Issue, to the email address provided, a Letter of Demand

    • Contract a debt collector service

    • File a debt dispute with the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).

    Refer to Dispute Resolution Process.

    Class Absence / Makeup Session

    In the event you cannot attend a session, all reasonable attempts must be made to inform us of your absence. You can do this via email to; naturesensoryplay@hotmail.com or phone 0459 568 740.

    We are limited to the number of adults per session due to the Australian Government covid plan therefore we do not offer make up sessions due to the nonattendance for any reason on your part and we do not offer refunds.


    We aim to deliver our services in accordance with the specified timetable, schedules. In the event our services cannot take place, we will endeavor to notify you within a timely manner. Please refer to Cancellation for further information.


    We reserve all right to cancel any service, without refund or compensation, due to abnormal weather conditions, road closures, emergency incidents, or other exceptional circumstances beyond our control.

    In the event of cancellation due to illness, injury or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be advised as soon as possible, and appropriate options made available to remedy the loss incurred by you.

    All sessions/pop up events and birthdays held by Gaia Play are non-refundable and cannot be rescheduled by the booker. Use & or payment of our services / hire constitutes your acceptance & consent of our terms & conditions.

    For sessions and pop up events being held outside you will be notified via email at 7pm the night before for reschedule to the following week. Please check your email and junk mail the night before this is your responsibility, Please do not schedule an appointment if you do not wish this to occur.

    If you do not receive and email the night before please assume that the session is going ahead.

    If you cancel a birthday event we require 21 days notice of the cancellation. A cancellation fee of all materials brought for the event will be taken from the total amount of the party and the deposit amount to secure the date. the deposit amount is 1/2 of the event.

    We cannot offer a refund for change of mind.

    Dispute Resolution Process

    If you have a problem with the service being provided, you are required to contact us, in writing, to explain the problem or issue. We will make suitable attempts to provide a remedy within a reasonable timeframe.

    Personal Information

    Personal Information will be collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    Limitation of Liability

    Except in circumstances where liability cannot be excluded by law, we (including employees and contractors) exclude all liability for any personal injury, loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of opportunity, loss of reputation or goodwill, loss of privacy or loss or corruption of information or data); whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any from the delivery of our services and / or product. This includes but is not limited to any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference.

    This limitation of liability applies, even in circumstances where Nature sensory play has been expressly advised of potential loss.

    Terms of Use

    Variations: We may, at any time and at our discretion, vary these Terms by publishing the varied terms on our Site. We recommend you check our Site regularly to ensure you are aware of our current terms. Materials and information on this Site (Content) are subject to change without notice. We do not undertake to keep our Site up-to-date and we are not liable if any Content is inaccurate or out-of-date.

    Prohibited conduct: You must not do or attempt to do anything: that is unlawful; prohibited by any laws applicable to our property which we would consider inappropriate; or that may bring us to a dispute.

    • Anything that would constitute a breach of an individual’s privacy (including uploading private or personal information without an individual's consent) or any other legal rights.

  • Photo Consent and Release Responsibility

    You understand that Nature Sensory Play may take photo, video, or other multimedia recordings during the session recordings of your child taken in accordance with this Release. You hereby grant my permission for Recordings of your child to be taken or used in accordance with the terms below: • Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now or in the future, you hereby give your consent to Nature Sensory Play, its affiliates and agents, to use your image and likeness and/or any interview statements from you in its publications, advertising, or other media activities (including the Internet). This consent includes, but is not limited to: (i) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of my child and/or record your child’s voice. (ii) Permission to use your child’s name and (iii) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of your child, and/or recording of your child’s voice, in part or in whole, in its publications, in newspapers, magazines, and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational and awareness. This consent is given in perpetuity and does not require any further prior approval by you.

    To the maximum extent permitted by law, you hereby irrevocably release and discharge Nature Sensory Play and all persons functioning under his/her permission or authority, from all actions, causes of action, damages, claims, cross-claims, and demands whatsoever, (including all damage, loss, and injury not now known or anticipated but which may arise in the future and all effects and consequences thereof), however, and whenever arising, with respect to the interactions contemplated herein. You agree not to make any claim or any proceeding against Nature Sensory Play anywhere in the world, with respect to the matters released hereby, including any claim that arising from your dislike of the manner in which Nature Sensory Play has used, modified, displayed, or failed to use or display the Recordings.